scientific advisory board
Dr. Hughes is the founder of the Genesis Genetics Institute, Detroit, MI. Dr. Hughes has an international reputation for his work on single-cell analysis, pre-implantation diagnosis and understanding gene expression in the early human embryo. Dr Hughes, along with Professor Lord Robert Winston and Dr. Alan Handyside developed and performed the world's first 22 cases of Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis (PGD). Dr Hughes's PDG techniques are now provided to over 170 human reproductive centers in North America and Europe.
Dr. Kalichman is a co-founder and director of the Center for Ethics in Science and Technology and the founding director of the UC San Diego Research Ethics Program. Since 1988, he has taught multiple seminars and courses in the responsible conduct of research. Dr. Kalichman has been a consultant or speaker on the topic of research ethics for both national and international workshops and advisory groups, including panels and conferences for the American Association for the Advancement of Science, National Academy of Sciences, National Institutes of Health, and the Office of Research Integrity.
Dr. Revazova is a co-founder of ISCO and is one of the world's leading experts in the creation of immortal cell lines and has developed over fifty (50) different cell models including models for stomach, colon, liver, renal, lung, muscle and skin cells. She was a leading cell biologist in the Soviet Union before coming to the US about a decade ago. Dr. Revazova’s access to the leading scientists and research institutes in the former Soviet Union has proven very valuable to ISCO.
Dr. Sánchez‐Pernaute is an internationally recognized expert on the use of stem cells to treat Parkinson’s disease (PD). She was one of the first scientists to demonstrate the possibility of using parthenogenetic stem cells to treat the causes of PD in a non-human primate model. In 2004 - 2008 Dr. Sánchez-Pernaute was Assistant Professor in Neurology at Harvard Medical School. She completed her PhD in Neuroscience at University Autonoma de Madrid, Spain, followed by post-doctoral training at the U.S. National Institute of Health and Harvard Medical School. Dr. Sánchez-Pernaute has published extensively on Parkinson’s diseases and parthenogenetic stem cells.
Prof. Evan Snyder is the Chair of the FDA Cellular, Tissue and Gene Therapy Advisory Committee and Director of Sanford-Burnham’s stem cell program and research center. He is regarded as one of the pioneers of stem cell research, particularly with regard to regenerative medicine applications. Prof. Snyder is an expert on Parkinson’s disease, one of the first scientists to identify neural stem cells and to document the ability of stem cells to migrate to injured or diseased regions of the brain. He is a recipient of an Early Translational Award from the California Institute for Regenerative Medicine (CIRM) to research into cell based therapies for Parkinson's disease. The role with ISCO is honorary.
Dr. Volk is Professor of Immunology and Chair of the Institute of Medical Immunology at Charité Universitätsmedizin, Berlin, and Berlin-Brandenburg Center for Regenerative Therapie (BCRT). Prof Volk is a Clinical Immunologist, specializing in the immunology of infection, transplantation regenerative medicine and allograft rejection. Dr. Volk's work focuses on the implementation of new approaches in the diagnosis and treatment of immunological diseases including transplantation immunology, the immunology of viral infections, the immunology of intensive care patients and immuno-cell therapy (adoptive transfer of T cells and mesenchymal stem cells).
Dr. von Herrath is a Professor at the La Jolla Institute of Allergy and Immunology at University of San Diego. Dr. von Herrath also serves as Director of the Center for Type 1 Diabetes Research in addition to being a full Member in the Division of Developmental Immunology. Dr. von Herrath's research focuses on strategies to prevent type 1 diabetes through the induction of regulatory T cells. Dr. von Herrath is an editor and reviewer for numerous publications as well as being a member of the American Society of Clinical Investigation and a Council Member for the International Diabetes Society. In addition, he is an Adjunct Professor of Pediatrics at the University of California, San Diego. He is the recipient of the 2006 Grotzky Award from the Juvenile Diabetes Foundation International and the 2007-2012 Scholar Award from the Juvenile Diabetes Foundation.